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Founder of Hridaya Yoga 

 Sahaja is the Founder of Hridaya yoga – Sharing tirelessly the vision of Oneness. Sahaja reminds us through his presence how live with an open heart and remember our true nature – 

He reminds us that the Master is within; and by inquiring into who I am through meditation and yoga, we can remove the veils of ignorance. He reminds us of the sacredness and beauty that is ever-present like a whisper of sacred silence.

No words could ever express the Love and radiance that Sahaja has come to emanate in this creation. Hridaya has served as a Spiritual home, Sangha and place of service for my soul to transform in Love.

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Medicine Woman

Hari is a Mexican Medicine Woman and has served as a guide through navigating the laws of reality. Together with Master Bufo the sacred mysteries of the universe are revealed. Through ancient knowledge shared through direct transmissions she is a master and guide. She represents Love through respect and Honour. Deep gratitude for Hari and Master Bufo.

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Ramana Maharshi

Who am I? Not the body, because it is decaying; not the mind, because the brain will decay with the body; not the personality, nor the emotions, for these also will vanish with death. 

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The Yoga of Self Awareness

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Metavision Institute

Evolve consciousness through holistic education

Institute of Feminine Arts

Gratitude to All those who Live for Truth

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